I am still looking at all the good things around the house, trying to redirect my brain towards joy rather than world wide misery and destruction. I think it is actually working thank goodness 'cause I woke with a little bit of grumpiness hanging around the corners and I managed to banish it by thinking of things I would like to make, doing a tiny bit of yoga when I got out of bed and prioritising a few magical things for the day (that is why I am blogging so early).
Both boys are at home this morning, Archie is on the mend but still has a slight earache so the pompom box will make an appearance. I am thinking about making a pompom wreath for Christmas as a project with them so another good thing to raise the serotonin a notch.
I hope everybody else is scheduling a serotonin boost in their day too. xxooxxooxx.
p.s. The dog is the funny thing, not me just in case you were waiting for a funny story. Nothing funny going on here. We are all just sitting around seriously, thinking good things of course, but completely devoid of humour.