The paper lanterns over my desk.
Yesterday I drove my mama back to the airport and did the whole big goodbye. Emotions are so exhausting aren't they. So feeling a little low this morning, I wondered around the house cataloguing my favourite things with the camera. Oddly enough, I now feel as though I can breathe a little bit deeper and my soul is resting a little lighter.
Spring has flung wide her arms and is snaking her scents of blossom, fresh grass and bluebells through the open doors. Archie is beside the table sprawled on a beanbag (with a very sore ear) snapping pieces of mobilo together. As for Hugo, he is no doubt, soaked with a gritty mixture of sand and water at his pre-school. All in all, these things are good and I am going to give them free rein in my head today, let them gain a bit of dominance over the forces of grey.