Today however, I am on bed rest with that nasty cold I referred to earlier. The sun is streaming through the french doors and the house is quiet. A very good day to recover.xxxoooxxx.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Bunting and Crocheted Bunny Necklaces.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Peter Pan and the Fairies.

Today is my first day since last year (at least that is what it feels like), to spend a day making stuff. I will be sewing bunting all day in preparation for the boy's birthday parties which are hurtling towards me with alarming speed. They probably don't feel it's quite as important as I do but that's okay. If they are not having fairy parties, they can at least have bunting.... just for their mother's sake.
Monday, February 22, 2010
So now I am on to crocheting little creatures for prizes (which will be shown at a later date) and making pom-pom necklaces as I watch T.V. at night. A little bit of time will be going into the preparation but wahoo, hardly any money.
Hope you had a good weekend. xxooxxooxx.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lots of little mice, all in a row...
I am going to whisper it; "I started Weight Watchers on Tuesday". I hope no one overheard as it feels like such an odd thing for an adamant non-dieter to admit to. The problem is however, that I have put on a lot of weight in a short time and I don't feel healthy or even slightly fit. I am worried that if I don't act now and reassess my changing metabolism, my weight will continue to spiral and I really don't want to keep buying new clothes every few months to catch up.
So far so good. Lots of point counting but I don't seem to be missing out on good food at all. It has also been beneficial to be reminded that baking is really not as important a food group as I my head would tell me.
So there is my week's confession. Oh yes and I went to aqua aerobics the other night which turned out to be much better than I was expecting (so supportive too). Aside from that I have been busy finishing my mouse necklace which was given to the birthday girl this morning. I will start thinking about tutorials next week. Have a good weekend, xxooxxooxx.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Little Necklace Mice.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Back Again...
The thing I love about having a blog is that it makes me join up the dots between all of the best and most creative bits in a day. The patterns those dots make then glow when I think about all that has happened which is a really positive way to wind down. The strange thing about the last week was that it was not only the computer that had a nervous breakdown, but also the d.v.d. player and my camera as well. It has been very hard not to join these dots together into a dull murky picture.
So, a lot of deep breathing has been going on and constant reminding that outer circumstances do not dictate inner peace - lots and lots of reminding. In tune to the clicking of needles. Archie's jumper now just needs lots of tail tucking and then I will have a big photo session with him. Thanks for still looking at the blog while I have been out of action, it is so exciting to be back. Have a good weekend!!!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ready to Sail.
I would love to write a long, interesting and spectacularly funny post tonight but I think I am a bit sapped from the relentless humidity that seems to be tugging grass from the soil to the sky as we speak. Jonno is very happy to have grass growing for his cows at a time of year where paddocks are often brown. And I am too, however, having grown up in a country with dry heat, I find breathing in saturated air a little difficult. I hope I haven't caught myself complaining because this little bit of grass growth is amazing.
Have a nice night. I am off to knit Archie's other sleeve now. Wahoo (I mean it, that wasn't sarcasm).
Monday, February 1, 2010
Really, really good play dough.
This play dough recipe is the best version I have come across so far. No cooking involved and with the cake mixer, super fast. It is from an oldish cook book called 'Pahoia People, Bring a Plate'.
3 cups flour
4 table spoons oil
3 cups boiling water
2 cups salt
4 teaspoons cream of tartar.
I throw them all (apart from the food colouring) into my Kenwood cake mixer. When thoroughly mixed and play doughy, I remove 2/3 and add one food colouring to the dough. Remove when mixed and put in another 1/3. Add a different colour and so on until finished. Ridiculously easy. If children and adults need calming down, add essential oil.
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