I am going to whisper it; "I started Weight Watchers on Tuesday". I hope no one overheard as it feels like such an odd thing for an adamant non-dieter to admit to. The problem is however, that I have put on a lot of weight in a short time and I don't feel healthy or even slightly fit. I am worried that if I don't act now and reassess my changing metabolism, my weight will continue to spiral and I really don't want to keep buying new clothes every few months to catch up.
So far so good. Lots of point counting but I don't seem to be missing out on good food at all. It has also been beneficial to be reminded that baking is really not as important a food group as I my head would tell me.
So there is my week's confession. Oh yes and I went to aqua aerobics the other night which turned out to be much better than I was expecting (so supportive too). Aside from that I have been busy finishing my mouse necklace which was given to the birthday girl this morning. I will start thinking about tutorials next week. Have a good weekend, xxooxxooxx.