I spent the other day cutting fabric with pinking shears until my right hand resembled a claw.

Just because of this beautiful book - click on the photo for details.

With two birthday parties coming up (one being the crafting party and the other medieval themed), I feel reams of bunting is a glorious necessity. The boys agree and have been so excited watching the bunting fall away from the sewing machine metre by metre. I cut the triangles according to directions from the 'Homemade' book, 22cm wide by 22cm deep and the joined them with biased binding. So easy!!!

Here is a little bit of Heather Ross. I love her designs so much. Especially the unicorn pattern which I have bought to cover the cushions on a chair. - I'll show you another day.

Here are some prizes I have been crocheting (and I will include a tutorial for the miffy-esque bunny necklaces another day). I haven't been able to even start on the mouse tutorial this week - I have been trapped in a sweaty forest of scratchy, sticky, events and horrible colds so my thinker just has not been thinkering along those lines.

A final photo from the 'Homemade' book. Pin the egg to the chook. Definitely something that will be played at Hugo's party. That way they can decorate their own egg as a craft project. I had better find an old sheet over the weekend and start painting.
Today however, I am on bed rest with that nasty cold I referred to earlier. The sun is streaming through the french doors and the house is quiet. A very good day to recover.xxxoooxxx.