The thing I love about having a blog is that it makes me join up the dots between all of the best and most creative bits in a day. The patterns those dots make then glow when I think about all that has happened which is a really positive way to wind down. The strange thing about the last week was that it was not only the computer that had a nervous breakdown, but also the d.v.d. player and my camera as well. It has been very hard not to join these dots together into a dull murky picture.
So, a lot of deep breathing has been going on and constant reminding that outer circumstances do not dictate inner peace - lots and lots of reminding. In tune to the clicking of needles. Archie's jumper now just needs lots of tail tucking and then I will have a big photo session with him. Thanks for still looking at the blog while I have been out of action, it is so exciting to be back. Have a good weekend!!!!