Yesterday Hugo and I went into town - when he spotted this rice paper hot air balloon I couldn't say no.

My favourite headband and rose waiting to make my bird's nest head into something passable.

The china doll I have had ever since I was a little girl - note the hair cut I gave to her at some stage. She is currently guarding the pearls my dad and stepmother gave to me on my 21st (many, many years ago).

The mobile I made for Hugo's room when he was a little baby.

I bought the boys a bag each to hang on their walls when we were on holiday. Just too cute...

Archie's big boy feet finding a bit of comfort up on the big blue couch.

AND a new project on the needles.... finally!!!
Archie and Hugo are both at home today with sore throats and great barking coughs. Secretly it is quite nice as it means we are confined to the house all day, something we all need desperately.
This morning I had a nice few minutes wandering around with the camera, once again, capturing all of the little things that fill me with warmth and joy. It really is a good thing to do. AND thank you so much for your lovely comments yesterday, they were warmth and joy-fillers too. xxooxxooxx.