We are back in Australia for Christmas this year and decided a tree would not be worth it. So instead we made a "Santa trap" although it is a very safe one as there will be no Father Christmas coming down our New Zealand chimney this year. Although we will have
Swedish house-sitters so we should give them some warning to perhaps clear the fireplace door. Mind you, I have no idea how Father Christmas enters
Swedish houses so it may be fine.

The kittens think the decorated fire guard is heaven and have been pouncing on the baubles all day. Glancing over to the fire place now, I think maybe it should stay like this forever.

A little
picnik collage of the preparation that went into such an amazing Christmas flurry of decorating.
Jonno is sick this weekend with a terrible tummy bug so he lay on the couch keeping us company with the softly turning pages of his book. Poppa popped in conveniently at popcorn time and it all felt very festive. In fact, it is a bit of a
consolation prize weekend, we were supposed to be down in
Whakatane picking strawberries which I am sure we will do next year...
Well, off for a nap, we are a very tired and dare I say cranky family this weekend so a good rest will be better than therapy for morale.