This morning's project of hand colouring Archie's bird stamp and then playing around with some water colours for writing paper. I have run out of fine line pens so made do with pencil - a trip to Warehouse Stationary is beckoning.

Last night when Hugo was sleeping I lay next to him for a while and quietly drank in his breath. He smelt so good and hopeful and it reminded me of how, when little, I used to bound out of bed, excited to just be awake, not thinking of the day in its entirety, just concentrating on the first burst of wakefulness. Instead when I wake up I have trained my brain to think of the day as a whole, lying in bed with my feet still warm and silky, my mind, already rushed and in the kitchen planning lunch and dinner, pick ups and naps. No wonder I don't jump out full of bounce. I think there is a lesson in there somehow.

I was chuffed by the boy's joy in seeing each other this morning and loved hearing Hugo say to his older brother "It's a good day Archie".
I was chuffed by the boy's joy in seeing each other this morning and loved hearing Hugo say to his older brother "It's a good day Archie".