Another quiet day at home today. Jonno has recovered well but is still looking a little gaunt, thankfully his sense of humour is bouncing again, he puts up with me so grown-uply when it is intact. Archie however, had a very unsettled night with a sore throat and aching body and stayed home for the day. Hugo had pre-school so Archie and I huddled inside while the steady rain pattered companionably against the windows.
I had lots of Christmas sewing to catch up on and Archie snuggled on a neighbouring chair, listening to a children's podcast. Very 1940's-style comfort. We even had gluten-free vanilla, muscovado biscuits baking in the background. Quite Christmassy when I think about it.... I might just leave it at that.
Here is the recipe:
Gluten-Free Vanilla and Muscovado Biscuits
185 grams softened butter
1 cup muscovdo sugar
1.5 cups tapioca flour
1 cup brown rice flour
2 small eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
Pre-heat oven to 170 degrees Celsius. Mix all ingredients in processor than refrigerate as it is quite a sticky mixture. When stiffened, shape and cut as desired (do I hear anybody wincing). Bake for 15 minutes or until golden.