Our weekend was very wet and Archie tired and restless. So the finger knitting came out. I had tried to teach Archie traditional knitting a few months ago but he was a little young and felt you should be able to stick the needle in where ever a hole appeared. This of course is a wonderful and creative theory but perhaps a little different to the concept of knitting as I understand it. And then I remembered finger knitting. The simplicity of passing one loop over another using his index finger as the stick was a hit. It really helped Archie to understand the need for
precision in the wool's placement and he quickly knitted up metres and metres of chain. In fact, his fingers knitted for two and a half hours straight before he felt the need to stretch.

And what does a boy do with those endless metres of chain? Make an anchor of course and spend the rest of the afternoon throwing it off a pirate ship and hauling it back in. It was also very good for tying up captives.