Now, down to business. My self imposed/inflicted deadline for the Flora Rabbit tutorial is tomorrow afternoon so please drop by. Also, Happy Valentine's Day. Jonno and I have decided to observe it this year which is highly unusual for us - I made Jonno Afgahn biscuits and vacuumed all of the rabbit poo. Jonno is doing the grocery shopping AND cooking dinner.
The excitement however is confined just to us. Apparently we are not allowed to mention Valentine's Day around Archie as it is highly boring (he kept dropping this fact into conversation every two minutes - obviously so boring he couldn't help but think about it all morning) but Hugo is quite interested, not enough to do anything about, but interested all the same.
And... uh oh... it turns out Honey is very keen on Valentine's Day too as we caught her trying to do terrible, terrible things to Grassy's head. We have now changed Honey's name to the more appropriate Honey Boy and have booked him in for a special appointment with Dr. Jorg. I would love to let them have a litter together but the whole brother/sister dynamic makes me feel VERY uncomfortable. We really don't want the resulting babies calling him Uncle Dad.
Sooo, that's the round up for today, have a lovely day Valentining or not.
Lots of love, Kate xxooxx.