Years ago I bought a Cath Kidston single doona (duvet) cover on sale. The boys happily slept with it on their bed but as we suddenly seem to have an influx of covers all of a sudden, I thought that finally, the fabric could become mine - particularly while it is in such good condition still. I would show you more photos of the resulting skirt because it turned out really well and I adore it and it is so lovely and light to wear... However, I won't as we are going through one of the most humid spells I can remember and every photo Jonno has taken has me looking very green, sweaty and deathy (I know there should be an l in the last word but I think it works better without it). I love the yellow piping on it - and - today - in a second hand shop - I found a yellow Metallicus top that was born to be worn with it. Wahoo, thank you to the gods of yellow.
Have a great weekend, I am now off to pass out on the couch - how am I expected to remain upright when the air is made of water?