I have spent the last few days in bed sick. Midway through last week I began to feel awful, overwhelmed by all sorts of things I really didn't need to be worried by and very, very, very tired. I woke Thursday morning with a raw throat, headache, etc and suddenly had to obey my body's orders to lie flat.
I don't know if I have mentioned before that I have a funny ear syndrome where I have a tiny hole in each of my ear bone canals. I suffered for years with intense bouts of nausea and vertigo until X-rays revealed the story and medication was prescribed (which has been a miracle). When I get a 'nuffly' nose though it means that I have to remain prone as the pressure is too much for my ears.
Fortunately, the boys had school Thursday and Friday and I had a stack of books to work my way through.
I've noticed of late that my ability to deal with stress has been decreasing. It's always been something I have had to be careful about but the mindfulness that helps me deal with it has been slipping away at the rate of knots. Not surprising that I have ended up with a good old stonker of a bug.
The funny thing is though, that after being in bed for the past few days, I feel as though my soul has been wiped clean. All the things I have been worrying about have turned out not to matter and instead I've had time to revel in a feeling of peacefulness and let that grow in its place. I don't know how I will feel tomorrow when the new week's pace starts up again but I hope that I can hold onto the mindfulness more firmly.
I am a big advocate of list writing. It really helps me to keep everything in check and I am addicted to the ticks that completing a task brings. However, I was thinking today that I need to put lovely things onto the list, things I might do through the course of the day without realising that they are the most important things. Top of the list really needs to be things like - drink a cup of tea quietly - pick roses for bathroom - photograph something special for the blog/instagram. Of course the list has a million other pressing and ordinary things to do but including beautiful things would be a much more uplifting way to start the day.
This morning I walked around the garden picking roses for my room and had a 10 minute tidy so that I had some loveliness to look at before collapsing back into bed.
What a difference it made to my day. The smell of these roses by my bed were heaven.
And I managed to take some photos from bed for a book review tomorrow with my cat Tinkerbel keeping me company. Just wait until you see this book, it is in my top three knitting books ever!
I hope that you have managed to find some rosy bits in your weekend too!