First of all though, sorry about the quality of the photos, the light as been pretty appalling for the last few days. However, with a bit of sunshine today, I will get the camera out and capture a bit of colour.
This is a little pony I made for one of Hugo's friends. She was having a barnyard party so we thought she might need a horse. It actually turned out to be a great challenge but because I put the head on slightly to one side, it turned out to be an extremely melancholy horse. That is the thing with something handmade though, they do come into the world with their own emotions. A bit of therapy and a handful of love and maybe then it will just look relaxed and sleepy.
Speaking of relaxed (and not particularly sleepy), I went to the movies with a friend last night and saw the most wonderful film, '500 Days of Summer'. It was the best romantic comedy I have seen for such a long time - funny, thought-provoking and edible. We drove home afterward discussing it the whole way which is a rare phenomenon in my book. So now I am feeling a little as though I have had a holiday with that lingering happy warmth.
Once again, the house is beginning to cave into me and I am sure that I picked up a bit of gas-gangrene from the stairs. I think that means it is time to get the pick-axe out and start hacking through the layers. I might even find Jonno and the boys if I tunnel far enough. I hope you are all having a great week and go and see the movie if you can. You won't regret it.