Flowers Archie took to school for his flower day.

Getting the moses basket ready for a friend who is about to drop. I find it utterly bizarre to think Hugo used to fit it in. Right now if he even looked at it the sides would split.

I think the same thing would happen with this jumper.
Jonno's mama knitted it for Archie and both boys ended up having a very long turn in it. I wish I could still dress them in kimono style clothing.

Archie's mosaic flower from flower day. Can you even begin to imagine how much I am loving this. And the ring of red beads...

And this is what I have been up to with my makings. I finished it last night trapped in front of 'Daddy Day-Care'. It's amazing what you can end up watching when you are determined to finish something. Strangely, when I finished the piece, I had no desire to watch the rest of the movie. I am sure it all worked out in the end.
As for this week, lots of packing because on Tuesday, I am flying home to Australia for a week. My DNA is needing some family time urgently and as for my skin, it's needing some dry Australian air. I am a little bit nervous though because I have just been told we are in for a hot week in the mid-30's... I am just not emotionally equipped for that, I have been lulled into the New Zealand version of a hot day which is lucky to peak at 28 degrees (c). I better go and weed out most of the woollen jumpers and corduroy pants. Just think of it as a tropical holiday, there you go, that sounds better already.