I thought I had better include a big bundle of photos because I may not be able to post for a few days. However, the really exciting thing is faster internet at my parent's house. It has been so appallingly slow for the last two months, I am now completely looking forward to having a good look around all of my favourite places and commenting and being a social person again. Of course that applies too all of my family and friends in the real world too...
I have popped in a few snaps of the garden as well to remind myself of green and rain in case I become a little too comfortable in Australia (of course Jonno and Archie staying behind will make me anxious to get back too).
The sun is shining and the school bus is still making its winding way to our stop so I had better keep pretending it is just a normal morning for a little bit longer. Hope to see you this week out in cyberland. xxooxxooxx.