So pants are obviously the thing I just can't stop making at the moment. And then it occurred to me, knicker-bockers are kind of pants. Wahoo. Did anybody else spend their childhood in knicker-bockers, I thought they were the bees knees and my mum must have too. Actually, I think we called them peddle-pushers as well and I used to think it was hilarious because we often used to drive past a florist called Petal-Pushers.
I have so many things to put on the blog tonight but now the family has been fed, the boys tucked up in bed and the dishwasher humming, I am just to tired to remember all of my amazing insights. So, on that note I will make my way up to the big blue couch and collapse in front of 'Hester Blumanthal's Medieval Feast'. Bring on the madness.