Now that I am on my self-enforced quiet week, I am finding a bit of juice in living again. Having the
head space to see sunlight dance through beads and hydrangeas and to enjoy an unfinished project perch on a table as it waits for me. I have even discovered that under all of the dirt and grit, my house is a really lovely place to live. The garden still has a few wild tendrils beckoning me although I am happy to let them wander as there is a little bit of magic to be had in that.
Sometimes we do just need to spend time with ourselves don't we...
I had better include a few details from my last post - the stamp was given to me by my cousin who just visited San Fransisco. The brand is
Hero Arts and shouldn't be too hard to track down. The gorgeous blue lacy stuff was from a shop called 'Tail of the Yak' which was apparently amazing, she also bought me lots of ribbon from there too. I have to say, she spoilt me
thoroughly and I will show more photos of all the bits and bobs another day.

I am really excited about the crochet above. In the thick of Christmas present making, I suddenly had the inspired and crazy idea of making placement settings for family. After a while though, I started going slightly mad and shoved it down to the end of the couch with a hiss. This morning cleaning up, a picture flashed through my head of a
place mat with a comet-like tail streaking across the table. This way you could have a salad on it and then salad dressing on the next one and then salt or pepper or I don't know, mustard or something on the following. Can't wait to finish it now... and then make a salad.