This is my favourite bag. My mum's friend made it for me when I was very little (screen printed and everything) and has remained a constant part of my life ever since.
Every now and then when all of my other bags become morbidly obese with stuff, my wallet slips into this one, pushing past whatever project I am working on and becomes a town bag. I thought I would hand it onto the boys but they just don't seem to get the sentimentality of it so I have decided that it will be mine until the end of time. It's not often that someone makes a koala bag for you after all.

Archie thought I had better stick this mouse creature on the label. I think he was right.

And here is some cotton that arrived yesterday in the mail from
South Seas Knitting. I think it is somewhere between a 10 and 12 ply and am thinking of all sorts of things to do with them. Something little that will come out big maybe.