When I woke this morning, the first thing I saw were the white points of mountains saying 'Hello'.... oh yes, and 'Happy Easter'. As I am writing this, we are snuggled up drinking cups of tea on Uncle Todd's farm in Franz Joseph. Native stands of forest are poking out of the mist here and there and snow capped mountains and glaciers are standing quietly in shrouds of cloud.
We can't wait to begin exploring the farm but it is so lovely having a slowish start to the day. Christchurch was wonderful and we had a lovely day on Friday, visiting Governors Bay (in the water photos above) for a picnic. The pebble beach turned out to be rich with sea glass so we spent most of our time fossicking.
Hugo was very tuckered out by the end of the day and came down with a little virus that had him with temperatures all night. He had found a damaged Monarch butterfly earlier in the day and this little creature kept him company when he was lying on the couch, unable to move.
Yesterday we crossed the south island on the Transcenic Railway and were completely spellbound for the entire 4 hour journey. The boys barely moved and Archie (having loved the Eragon series) kept explaining all of the magical creatures that would be at home in all the different wild and snowy habitats we passed.
Time to sign off, Happy Easter Sunday!!! XXOOXXOOXX.