Bella crocheting at 'French Farm'.

LeBon's Bay.

Sunset from where we are staying in Akaroa.

Hanging out with a pretty cool duck at 'The Giants Garden', which is an amazing mosaiced garden and I have many more photos to show you at another time.

I have been trying to upload photos desperately for the last few days but the wifi connection we have bought from the ether is just so slow I keep despairing and turning the computer off. The holiday is swimming along beautifully. The kids are sleeping like logs, eating reasonably well and behaving like mischievous angels. I know I am gushing but can anyone remember our ill-fated strawberry trip to Whakatane?
We are now in Akaroa which is a little seaside village settled by the French and still has very strong affiliations with France. Reading between the lines, it would be fairly accurate to interpret this means a lot of eating has been going on.
My friend Bella has taken to crocheting like a mad spider and has been busily hooking ever since she picked up her hooky needle a couple of days ago. Thanks to Lucy from Attic 24, it has been so easy to teach her and so much fun for me to have another converted to the cause.
Tonight is our last night with Tim and Bella so I had better hop off the computer and talk to them, you know, so they might travel again with us one day.
Funny little thing, Bella really likes her food too and just admitted to writing three pages about dinner out last night in the divine little restaurant we went to.