Jonno's parents gave us some of their old family books. Good classics like 'Robin Hood' and boy annuals and comic books with cowboys. The wall paper covering the box used to be on the nursery walls, can you even begin to imagine how wonderful it must have looked.

Yesterday Archie and I made some slime with borax and glue - strangely it reminded me very much of making cheese, just a very different smell...

Jonno rang half way through slime cooking to say he had caught a wild baby rabbit (???) and would I like him to bring it home. Let's just say, it is about time Big Ear's hutch stopped being a memorial and turns back into a working home again.

We put our favourite names into a hat and pulled one out. Archie's choice of Dandelion won. We promised Hugo that next time we 'find' a rabbit we can use his name, Grassy. I might send Jonno out for a little Grassy rabbit now, "Oooooh Jonnooooo.... what are you doing right now?".