Years ago when I lived in Melbourne, I worked part time in the most beautiful florist shop (Domain Flowers - opposite the Botanic Gardens) while I was at uni. They had a seasonal supplier of garden roses and I can remember the frantic rush that would take place as soon as they were placed in vases and their scent would unfurl into the cafe crowd sitting outside. The roses weren't necessarily perfect or blemish free but no one seemed to mind.
Onto some other news... I may have let slipped that it is my birthday on Sunday and as much as I would love to invite everyone over for cake and games, it's just not possible. So instead, on the 10/10/10 I will be having a birthday giveaway. It will be open for seven days and the only condition of entry is that you tell me your favourite book of the past year. The prize will be a pincushion (much like the one featured above) and a book. Drop by on Sunday and check it out.
In the meantime, I had better go and do a bit of house clearing so when I wake on Sunday morning it will be to gleaming surfaces, fresh sheets and hopefully, some windows we will be able to look through.
Love Kate xxooxxooxx.
P.S. Don't enter until Sunday - that's the day to sign yourself up with your favourite book!