I am assuming that everyone out in the bloggy world is a little bit like me, intensely curious about where their bloggy friends live. I thought I would post a few photos of what we have been up to around the house and show you all of the bits of colour I have managed to sneak in. In the picture above is our new laundry - after years of having a very dark corner of the shed to wash copious amounts of dairy farming clothes, I can tell you now it is almost a joy to switch on the washing machine.

Sorry, another photo of my roses starting to bloom - I am obsessed, particularly as a brand new rose comes into flower, I keep running out to see if the petals have unfurled.

I felt I should include the new living room as it begins to settle into the family. Usually the floor is covered centimetres deep with lego.

Past the green stairs and into the dining/kitchen area.

And towards the bathroom and fireplace. I have now run out of tidy areas, as the house becomes more tame I will show other areas too... but for now they shall wallow in their own mess.

Now as to what I have been up to, Jonno and I have been away for a couple of days without the boys. We travelled in the motor home to Hahei Beach which was paradise on earth. We ate too much, read too much and crocheted too much (well me anyway).

When we returned home I found my Claude Monet rose had flowered. I am envisioning huge vases full of stripy roses. Can you imagine!!!
Tomorrow I am leaving all three boys for another couple of days. I am flying down to Christchurch to spend a little bit of time with my big brother before he moves back to Australia. It will be so precious and I will have to make the most of every minute. I hope he doesn't mind if I bring my knitting every where we go though... I would love to work some more on my cardigan while there. Perhaps I could get him to help... maybe not.
Lots of love, Kate xxooxxooxx.