I have just spent a lovely couple of days in Christchurch with my brother, making the most of him before he moves back to Australia with his family. He has been living in Lyttleton which is almost like a little village although really, it as a big port on the edge of a city. This is the view from his kitchen window which you may remember from our trip around the south island at the beginning of the year. I had a little time to crochet - the bird pattern is one taken from Bridget Reid's book 'Super, super cute crochet'. A Christmas decoration for my new niece Lulu (isn't that the best name).

This morning I wandered around my brother's garden taking cuttings and digging up lily of the valley plants from large patches that took up luxurious amounts of bed space - my version of heaven. Lily of the valleys have such a dense perfume and they are the prettiest flowers in the world. They have always reminded me of strings of pearls.

So these are the bundles of flowers I carried through the airport and stowed in the various overhead lockers I encountered as I winged my way across the country. Jonno told me that as he was standing, waiting for the plane to arrive he suddenly felt as though he should have bought some flowers for me... and of course was then very relieved to see me hop off the plane with two enormous bouquets.

And into the laundry to start separating flowers and foliage before I start getting all of the cuttings underway. I felt so grown-up doing flowery things in the laundry.

They are just beautiful aren't they. I don't think it is a great time of year to be taking cuttings but it is still worth a go. I promise I will stop talking about gardening soon but it is Spring and therefore very hard not to get carried away with all of its bloominess.
However, after travelling countless kilometres today and traversing between two islands, I am now officially spent and need to go and watch t.v. with my knitting and a tiny bit of ice cream.
Love Kate xxooxxooxx.