Today is very much a dig your toes into home kind of day. I have been checking on the new roses flowering for their first time (kind of like Jonno when his cows are calving but I don't have to don gloves). The rose featured above is a David Austin named 'The Prince'. Its fragrance is incredible.

Hugo decided he wanted to earn pocket money and scrubbed the bathroom sink for me... he was thrilled with this arrangement and so was I.

A bit of gluten free bread making has been going on which is so exciting for Hugo and I but not so much for Jonno and Archie (although they love it when it's fresh).

And Archie has been putting lots of Bundle loving time into his schedule.

Last of all I finished the cuttings brought back from the South Island.
Aside from all of these wonderful weekendy things, something even more exciting is coming up... tonight we have been invited to a fireworks party and the children are staying up late. The best part about this is the very long nap we will all have to take this afternoon. Oh dear.
Have a lovely weekend, love Kate xxooxxooxx.