The problem with being heavily involved with a knitting project is that everything else becomes neglected. Crochet patterns forget to be developed, Stanleys lie around waiting to be tagged and having to in the interim, deal with abandonment issues.

Rose petals fall...

Coasters wait for their tails to be tucked in.

And tiaras dream about being worn by something more than a nest.

I have finished the painting though - a good thing considering it needs to be given away tomorrow. I could have worked on it for a lot longer but that's life...
The good news is that the boys are fed, no one has gangrene and we have plenty of clean underwear and socks. There is even a little bit of left over dinner from last night to go in the freezer. Breakfast has been eaten for the day and faces are about to be washed, hair brushed (maybe) and teeth cleaned. Just don't tell Stanley that the boys come first.
Lots of love, Kate xxooxxooxx.