At the moment I am doing a run of Christmas decorations for presents. I have been taking photos of the process and will post a tutorial soon (except they are so easy I am sure you can figure them out from the photo).

Finally on to a new crocheting project.

And my jumper is now complete - toggles helping to finish it off. I have to admit it is a joy to wear, but just so warm I end up getting a little sweaty.

It is quite cropped but I really like that as I wear a lot of dresses over jeans and the lines of it stops everything from getting to bulky. I will get Jonno to do a photo shoot of me (wearing the new jumper, not just for the fun of it).
Just a little post tonight - the old hay fever has left me feeling very tired and snuffly, it makes me so indignant as I studied horticulture at uni and somehow I feel, that is enough to make me immune. Oh well, boys to put to bed and couches to lounge about on.
Lots of love, Kate xxooxxooxx.