First of all and just quickly - a new dress I bought the other day with Hugo's help. We are having a friend's wedding in our garden during the summer and I thought this would be perfect. It nips in beautifully at the waist and makes me feel very glamorous and grown up.

Someone plonked my hair clip on the little coasters...

Bunny love.

And finally, a corner of my studio ready to receive my mum who arrived yesterday afternoon, safe and sound from Australia. We are so excited. The only reason I have torn myself away for a post is because she is showering and I thought she might need a moment of peace. The boys are beside themselves to have her here and I am even more so. We all woke very early this morning and had to wait for ages until her eyes opened too.

A pile of reading matter on her bedside table (I don't want her to get bored).
Have a lovely weekend, love Kate xxooxx.