These cottons have been sitting next to me on the couch. Often when I am thinking about my next project I group colours together and let them simmer. There is a navy blue I love that spends a bit of time with them as well but for this project I needed the colours to sing in a high pitch (we all have our weired ways of
synesthesia - mine happens a bit with music).

So, this is the piece evolving from those cotton reels. A summery 4 ply
cushion pictured on a
cushion I sewed from
echino fabric the other day.

A little closer maybe? Lots more to do on it but I am really enjoying creating a pattern that keeps changing as I get further into it. And if you are wondering, the granny square pattern is one of the gorgeous
Lucy of Attic 24 fame. Her patterns are always amazing, well written and beautiful.

This is another little band that is forming. I am still not sure of their purpose yet but I keep glancing toward them as my fingers twirl in their current task.
We are still floating through summer holidays, the days are lazy and long and we are managing to be kind most of the time... except a few minutes ago a little hand (the sort a three year old might own), slipped into my pocket and took my lip balm. Being an addict I then with frenzied patience asked where it went and he couldn't remember. How can you forget something you had in your hand two minutes previously!!! Anyway, I had better go and search the house again...