A couple of weeks ago, Archie and I placed on order on two little dutch bunnies. We decided to keep it a secret so we could give Hugo a wonderful surprise. When we arrived at the breeders house, he was told we were going to pick up a large crate of
broccoli. Can you imagine how thrilled he was to find out that we were instead picking up these two little girls.

I love the facial expression on this one's face. Not its happiest moment.

It is so hard keeping up with twins.

The other exciting thing is that
Stef the bride and her mum gave me this skirt. It was originally purchased for
Stef's daughter who wasn't so keen on it.... so they thought I should have it!!!! It is going to drape on the wall above our bed on a clothes hanger (maybe a crocheted one) and I can look up at its filminess and dream. I always thought I would have to have a little girl to
warrant an article of clothing like this but now I know... as long as I don't awkwardly and
bulgingly wear it, I can hang cool girl stuff on the wall.

Now... where can I find some ballet slippers....