Finally after months and months of build up (or at least lots of talking and drinking tea), the morning of wedding arrived... for those of you reading this blog for the first time, yesterday our friends Stef and Rob were married in our garden.

Jonno and the boys stayed with his parents at the beach and I pottered around doing the final touches.

It is very hard to photograph the veranda but we had lanterns, tissue paper flowers and little bottles filled with herbs hanging from hemp twine.

I made a little posy for Stef from wild flowers and the few last roses in the garden... and then of course some tissue paper circles... maybe a new tradition?

The beautiful bride pretending to be serious... and then not so much.

Walking down to meet her fate.

And a snippet of tulle flowers at night. By the way, I am so happy with the tissue paper bunting around the room I think it will have to stay up there until the sheer weight of dust rips it down.
This week will be all about the wedding so prepare yourselves for lots and lots of flowers, papery things and people wearing pretty clothes.
Lots of love, Kate xxooxx.