I felt I should include some photos of the wedding that show the truth of who we are... Stef with facial expressions beyond the spectrum of serene and me as the wedding junkie, only making the posy so I could walk around the house pretending to be the bride (whenever I was alone...).
Can you see me saying to
Ellie and Stef... "Are you sure you want me to be in this photo with the two of you... really truly?".

"Look at me, I'm with the cool girls". Stef is a long-suffering friend.

Best moment of my life ever.

Begging to have a photo with the posy in my possession.

Having the wedding at my house really wasn't really the selfless act I would like people to think.

Stef really is very supportive.

And doesn't mind being seen in public with me. So that's nice.

Not all photos need a bride in it you know.

Just thought you might like to see.
Love Kate xxooxx.