I am in between ideas at the moment so I thought a small scarf of granny squares would help keep the joy in my heart. Once again, Lucy of Attic24 came to the rescue with one of her amazing patterns - she has something for every weather.

We visited one of Hugo's friends this morning and took along his Princess and the Pea set. Hugo decided he didn't want to make the prince so I had a go instead, using a photo of one of our best friends Tim. Tim is a prince in real life too and Hugo was thrilled with it thank goodness.

So this morning was spent in a sunny corner of a friend's house while she painted, I crocheted and the kids played. I could have stayed there forever.

However, I have lots of jobs calling me including putting elastic into freshly made shorts, making dinner and clearing out a huge amount of junk from a room in order to prepare for some renovations. I had better go and have a look for Hugo as he has escaped into the garden with the ipod...