I am just getting the couch used to the weight of crocheted goods - breaking it in if you will. She seems to be holding steady.

This is the cushion cover I finished last night, I now have to somehow make it functional. Anyone?

Stanley and his friends are a centrepiece at the moment. Would you care for a spot of rabbit ear?

My friend Stef came over this morning - she's getting married in my garden during the summer and is very kindly allowing me to vent a bit of my wedding obsessiveness in her direction. Let's just say there will be lots of washi tape - (I have to admit that it was Stef's idea to put washi tape around jars... genius).

And here is a basket of fresh wool luxuriating in our first bit of sunshine and waiting with breathless anticipation for the next cushion to begin.
Today we have moments of sun breaking through the clouds. I feel as though it has been years since it's been here (am I quoting the beatles at the moment?). Blossom and sunlight. I think I might weep. Love Kate xxooxxooxx.