Today everytime I have found myself staring longingly at the walls, I have sat down and knitted a couple of rows. Knitting is such a sanity saver!!! Poor Jonno is now resembling human bubble wrap and Hugo's case has developed into a very convincing dot-to-dot map. Hoots (as we call him) started going downhill mid-morning and I tried to keep him distracted with craft... to my complete astonishment it didn't work and we ended up reading lots of books instead. So the picture above is a wishful start to the village I thought we could make together. It was the sticky tape that did it - it refused to obey him and was just too exhausting. I did a few lines after that incident (lines of the knitting kind).
However, right now there is a sort of peace. Archie and Hugo are watching 'Babe' and Jonno is upstairs reading a book. Chicken soup is bubbling and a big batch of stewed apple is cooling down on the bench. Isn't it funny how a peaceful house goes hand in hand with food production...
Lots of love, Kate xxooxxooxx.