Our weekend was very quite and very much spent inside with lots and lots of rain bucketing down around us. And so with bravery shining from our hearts, Archie, Hugo and I ventured down to the video shop and borrowed 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Ponyo'. Have I ever been so happy... I don't know.
With Johnny Depp up in our T.V. and my boys by my side, I spent my weekend knitting baby beanies (not for me, I will tell you about them another day) and crocheting cushion covers. Heaven.
Monday morning has treated us well so far, as I mentioned earlier, a package in the mail. Hugo and I also had hot chocolate milk in a garden cafe and bought lots of plants and then we trekked even further to the supermarket. Now we have all the food we could ever dream of consuming in one week. I feel so safe! Lots and of love and I hope your Monday is treating you kindly, Kate xxooxx.
P.S. I have just added a link to my crochet ball tutorial but realised that there are a few mistakes at the end which I will remedy a.s.a.p....