On the other hand I am dying to get into some sewing. The fabric has been sitting in a big heap since I arrived back from Australia just waiting for me to cover a couch with it. Maybe tomorrow will be the day. Over the past week my only goal is to have the kitchen bench gleaming once a day and to occasionally get out of pyjamas if the strength could be found... maybe I have been treating this enforced isolation as a little bit of a holiday...
Now as you can probably see from my post, we were not affected by the earthquakes on Saturday morning in Christchurch - we are two thirds of the way up the north island and didn't feel a thing. However, my brother, sister-in-law and niece had a terrible time of it sheltering under the dining room table but came through unscathed. How amazing it is to measure so high on the Richter scale and to come out the other side with no loss of life. There are always ads on t.v. about quake-safing your house and I think Jonno and I might go around doing a bit of fastening furniture to the walls and the like. We have only had little ones here but my perspective has certainly been changed on it all.
Anyway, better clock off and cook some kind of nutrient clad dinner for the famberly.
Love Kate, xxooxxooxx.