I have to say it was the hardest thing choosing one answer as they were all so funny and I just love that you were all so open in your answers. I have to admit there was a short list of four in the end and a special mention must go to daylesford organics with her secret berry patch feasting, Gina with the most wonderfully bizarre mushroom story I have ever heard and dianna with her intense greed for a box of wool despite the fact she despite her inability to knit.
Now, on to the winner. Because I have a slight whiff of guilt, I have to admit there was one particular entry that filled me with the reassurance I was not the only one to frame a sibling in greedy pursuit. So congratulations M* (Melanie), you had me in stitches. Here is her post:
"I was worried that the tale I am about to tell is not a greedy tale but after checking the dictionary definition I am pleased (?) to say that it may just fit the definition...Greedy - having or showing an intense and selfish desire to do something...When I was little (around 5 yo) I had the urge to draw on the inside of the kitchen cupboards with crayon. I knew it was wrong and I knew I'd get in trouble but I really really wanted to do it. The inside of the cupboards were painted with white matt paint, a beautiful surface to draw on!Sooo, because I wanted to do it and didn't want to get into to trouble for it I decided to draw pictures with my left hand so that it looked like my little brother drew on them. He was two years younger than me and still drew very simple styled drawings. When mum discovered the pictures she was furious. She got very angry at my brother who denied having done it (he hadn't!) while I sat and watched and didn't say a thing, after all the evidence all pointed to him.About 10 years ago I finally confessed to my mum that it was in fact me who had drawn on the cupboards. She was horrified!! It was really bad. What an atrocious child I was!".
Thank you so much for taking part of my 200th post celebration and thank you to everyone for for all of your feedback and reading of the blog. Without it it would be a flimsy piece of paper floating in the wind - thanks for catching it in your nets. Take care and lots of love xx00xx00xx00xx.